Not existence of god with 5 proofs

God, I do not know the exact meaning of god. All people describe god in their ways. But in my view, there is not any god and there is no existence of god. All information that people are spreading about god is fake. The main thing is that they also not known about god. There are various reasons why I don't believe in god. But I am writing only my own views. There is no god that's my view and another thing no one made our universe nor we are directed by them. It is only our thoughts. Not the existence of god with 5 proofs. I don't want to say you also don't believe in god you all have your own views and rights so I am only writing my own views as a simple person please don't overreact in it.
Not the existence of god
1)One main thing are that still I never saw god in my life. Yes, you said that god is not visible please say me one thing if god is not visible who saw them first? You also said that they are in the hearts of every people. But in my life, I never have seen god in the hearts of many people. It is only our superstitious beliefs.
2)Great scientist Stephen Hawking also said that there is no god. Time did not exist before the big bang so there is no time for god it is like asking the direction to the edge of the earth that the earth is spherical and doesn't have an edge. He also said that no one creates a universe and none directs our fate. If god really exists what are they doing before the big bang, Can they are making hell for the people who believe god.
3)Another there is not any scientific proof to believe in god. As my own view you also do not listen and see that still, science cannot prove that there is the existence of god.
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Never except anything from anyone
4)We can see different pictures of god but who saw the god and make them. This is only imaginary photos there are not any existence of god. We worship different stone statues and feel that they make the god happy. Guys this is totally based on superstitious we do not get anything by worshipping god.
5)Moon is also god for us but we all know nil amastrang has stepped in the moon. Another word he can step in god but guys he was fit and fine after step in the moon. He didn't get any accident. Yes, all you all know science proved that no one creates the universe and no one is directed by fate. You all know how the universe is formed I do not say anything about that.
Yes, guys in the earth we all people are free to believe what we want so guys I believe in that there is no existence of God. All heaven god is only imagination but guys I am not that type of person to live in imagination I always want to live in the real world. Yes, you all have different views but I have written only my views. I hope you will understand and don't overreacted in it.
Hope you like it please don't forget to comments down and hope you also write your own views. I respect all views.